Bó Hoa Thiêng

Hello all, a few announcements!
1. October is the month of the rosary. So this month, we will launch a Bó Hoa Thiêng challenge! Bó Hoa Thiêng, or spiritual bouquet, is a method in which we keep track of our good deeds and offer them to God. To make this more engaging, this challenge will be a competition between Ngành to see which Ngành can do the most Bó Hoa Thiêng by the end of the month (as a percentage). Whichever Ngành wins will receive a grand prize! Come to TNTT tomorrow (Sunday, 10/6/24) to find out what that prize is.
a. Bó Hoa Thiêng is divided into 5 weeks for the month of October. Check off the corresponding box if you have completed a good deed.
b. Pay special attention to the good deed “Pray 1 Decade of the Rosary.” We want to do as many decades as we can for this month!
c. HT/HSTT will also participate in this competition. They will play for their respective Ngành.
2. The “Wonders of the Mass” series has taught us many lessons. One of those lessons is genuflection (Episode 2). Starting tomorrow, we will start genuflecting before entering the pew. We will review how to genuflect at TNTT tomorrow before Mass. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2x6NNQ5zjnc
3. There is a free flu vaccine clinic tomorrow at church. It officially starts @2:00PM – 5:30PM. However, Cha Hiep has allowed the clinic to open after Vietnamese Mass for those that would like to receive the flu vaccine early. We share this with you because the flu vaccine is free and available to anyone that is 6 years old and up. Talk to your parents about receiving a flu vaccine if you have not had it this year.